Bollywood Tourism in Japan

Current Challenges, Potential Directions

Apoorva Nanjangud



This research note explores the current challenges and potential of Bollywood tourism to Japan. In doing so, it also assesses Bollywood tourism within the context of contents tourism and brings a non-western perspective to the study of film tourism research by shifting focus to Asia as a fertile area for studying Bollywood tourism. As past research has revealed, Bollywood is significant in the global cinematic context. However, studies concerning popular Hindi cinema’s role in influencing travel decisions, and consequently tourism flows, are still very fragmented, and they have not yet been undertaken from a contents tourism perspective. Theoretical connections between Bollywood tourism and contents tourism are discussed, with particular reference to Bollywood tourism to Japan and the unique song-narrative format of Bollywood cinema. Finally, the research note reflects on the current challenges facing Bollywood tourism to Japan and potential future directions.



Author Biography

Apoorva Nanjangud is a PhD Candidate and lecturer at the Department of Arts and Culture Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam. She is a part of the ERC-funded comparative research project on film tourism in India, Brazil, South Korea, Jamaica and the UK (Project website: Her current research focuses on the global tourism flows generated under the influence of popular Hindi cinema, with a focus on diasporic studies, filmy songs, and theme parks.

アプーヴァ・ナンジャングッド。エラスムス大学ロッテルダム(オランダ)芸術文化学部講師(PhD Candidate)。欧州研究会議(ERC)助成研究プロジェクト「インド、ブラジル、韓国、ジャマイカ、イギリスにおけるフィルムツーリズムの比較研究」メンバー。現在、現代ヒンディー映画がきっかけとなった国際観光流動について、ディアスポラ研究、映画音楽、テーマパークの観点から研究を行っている。