
TOYAKO マンガ・アニメフェスタの事例を通して

張 慶在



This research note analyses pop-culture-related festivals as contents tourism based on participant observation at the Toyako Manga Anime Festa (TMAF). TMAF began in 2010 and is an annual festival on the theme of manga and anime. There were 3,000 participants in the first year. Numbers have increased year by year and in 2015 there were almost 60,000 participants during the two days of the festival. Pop culture contents help to induce visitation to Toyako town, therefore participation in TMAF can be called a form of contents tourism. Conversely, TMAF has a festival format which includes many exhibitions, therefore participation in TMAF can also be called event tourism. Meanwhile, the behaviour of participants at TMAF consists of various travel patterns which belong to neither contents tourism nor event tourism. Attendees participate simultaneously as festival performers and as visitors to the event. Also, residents of Toyako town, who do not treat participants as tourists as in the traditional host/guest theory of tourism studies, tend to behave like tourists at TMAF. As a result, the dynamic patterns of tourism related to pop culture as seen at TMAF constitute a synergistic blend of contents tourism and event tourism.



Author Biography

ジャン・ギョンゼ: 北海道大学観光学高等研究センター博士研究員。博士(観光学)。専門はオーセ ンティシティ論。観光空間におけるオーセンティシティの形成について、コンテンツ・ツーリズム、先 住民族ツーリズムなどの事例を通じて、理論的・実証的研究を行っている。